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If you don't need this account, please reply to this mail and we will delete you from the
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[ NEWS ]
Libhomeradar is happy to announce a partnership with Flightglobal - home of JP Fleets and AirSpace.
Flightglobal have just launched their beta version of Atlas - a new flight tracking application.
libhomeradar and Flightglobal Atlas are sharing collector data in order to create the world's most
comprehensive flight tracking service.
As well as providing a comprehensive free flight tracking service for internet users, Atlas will also have enhancements and features exclusively for contributors of SBS data. These features are in the development pipeline.
However Flightglobal believes that if you give something you should receive something in return, so for the time being Flightglobal would like to offer any member contributing collector data to Atlas via the Flightshare desktop application some recognition of their contribution to the service (*).
Any new contributors to Atlas will receive a free copy of JP Fleets 2010, a free copy of JP Biz Jets 2010 and a year's free subscription to Flight International (digital edition).
Download and install libhomeradar contribution tool (see link below)
During install process you'll need your email address: and your password from your
libhomeradar personal pages account.
Download link: (450kb)
(*) Contributors must achieve 80% uptime for their SBS data
May be your last visit on was months ago. Please visit us again
and see the new options for users with free personal accounts.
- different report styles for your daily contacts
- automatic posting of daily reports at midnight
- daily summary for resolved aircrafts which prev. reported as unknown
- complete search (not the filtered version)
- list of unknown contacts
- list of new contacts
- important contacts (you'll get mail if this aircraft will be contacted)
If you'll leave us, please send a short mail to and we will delete
your account from our database.
With best regards, Administration
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